Gas Russia International Forum
Dr Marat Terterov, EGF Director, will attend the annual Gas Russia International Forum in Moscow on November 16.
Vth International conference «Energy dialogue: Russia–European Union gas aspects»
Vth International conference «Energy dialogue: Russia–European Union gas aspects»,
09:00 –21:30 Palaissaal conference hall Adlon Kempinski hotel (Unter den Linden 77, Berlin, Germany)
Russia and energy security: The role of domestic competition for external energy policy
Few issues are as politically challenging and sensitive in Europe as the quest for stable and competitive markets for energy...
4th Forum Europe Ukraine (Fundacja Instytut Studi?w Wschodnich)
After the presidential election in Ukraine many observers will ask the question regarding the direction of the changes and the future of the relations between Ukrainian state and its neighbors. Ukraine is, and will remain, an important element of the European policy, hence the processes that take place in the country will be extremely important for Europe. The European integration encompassed the whole continent although the forms of integration and the projects of integration differ. The European Union proposed to Ukraine a project, which, at this stage, is not an invitation to the membership; however, the aim is to bring Ukraine closer to the European standards. From the Ukrainian point of view such project seems to be too limited. Additionally there are other integration processes, which imply significant geopolitical changes in the region. They will have an impact on the regional economy and the system of the regional security. The European Union, Russia and the US play an active role in the fields mentioned above. Therefore it is worth analyzing and discussing the challenges which Europe and Ukraine face.
Changing EU Energy Legislation: Practical Scenarios for Strengthening the EU-Russia Energy Partnership. Energy Roundtable Discussion.
Institute of World Economy and International Relations European Geopolitical Forum CEMS
European Gas Forum