Ukraine post-elections: stability and reform at last?
With the recent Presidential elections Ukraine has entered into a phase of - perhaps potent - changes. Following the election of Victor Yanukovych as the new President, the quick establishment of the new coalition gave rise to the formulation of the new government, which ambitiously aims at making the name of the coalition ‘Stability and Reform’ a lasting reality.
Where will Ukraine be heading under this new political leadership? Will the new order change Ukraine’s strategic direction vis á vis the West and the East? Will it change the country’s domestic situation by bringing long sought stability and carrying out unpopular reforms?
Дата: 30.03.2010 |
Опубликовано на EGF: 30.03.2010
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Prospects and Scenarios 2010
Geopolitical Prospects
& Scenarios 2010
1st EGF Online Forum!
The Forum started 16 February, Tuesday at 12.00am (CET) and ran through till 20 February, Saturday 12.00am (CET).
The European Geopolitical Forum: Prospects and Scenarios 2010
At the end of December 1999, as the world prepared to usher in a new Millennium, in Europe and other parts of the planet, there was widespread concern that the so called “Millennium Bug” would strike, causing unforeseen disruption and havoc. Ten years on, in December of last year, for many in Europe, the Millennium Bug was just a shade in the memory as a far more ominous concern was pressing home – the prospect of another gas crisis. Although the fact that the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute of January 2009 – and its knock-on effect of leaving much of Europe without natural gas in the peak of winter – did not repeat itself during the record cold European temperatures of January this year, the very fact that European attention has become so focused on this theme demonstrateshow geopolitical developments in the European hinterlands have come to impact the day-to-day livelihood of all Europeans.
Energy Security and the EU-Russia energy relationship, is just one of the many core geopolitical challenges that face Europe’s political leadership at present. Others include:
- The stability of the Caucasus, which remains highly uncertain
- Navigating the right strategic partnerships in the Black Sea basin
- Making something of the EU’s “Eastern Partnership” agenda
- Promoting security, stability and trade through the Caspian to Europe
- Stabilising the Mediterranean south bank from threats of terrorism
- Enhancing the Arctic into a European agenda of strategic significance
Leading experts have shared their views on how such geopolitical challenges are likely to pan out during 2010 and beyond in an online session.
New EGF Forum is coming in MARCH! More information will follow soon.
To participate in our future discussions, share and exchange your views with the leading experts, please register here.
Дата: 06.02.2010 |
Опубликовано на EGF: 24.02.2010
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